Koen Verbist

register arbeidshygiƫnist
Curriculum Vitae

Works as an Occupational Hygienist at the Expert Centre for Chemical Risk Management (www.ects.nl) of Arbo Unie (Occupational Health and Safety organisation). Part of the job are the regular activities as an occupational hygienist i.e. company specific consultancy, exposure measurements and REACH Quickscans. Next to that, he is also involved in branche specific projects regarding the development of webbased tools and the implementation of innovative technologies like PIMEX and Intelligent ChemRS.
He participated in a field study to the uses of nanomaterials in the Netherlands and is experienced in REACH consultancy and REACH exposure assessment and modelling.


REACH exposure assessment and modelling, developing of control banding tools, nanotechnology and exposure measurement of nanoparticles.